Chronic Pain

Around 20% of U.S. adults live with chronic pain. Pain can have a number of negative effects on quality of life, ranging from limited mobility to depression and anxiety. Chronic pain has traditionally been treated with medications; however, research is emerging that shows physical activity to be just as effective at treating pain, with the added benefit of improving overall quality of life. Physical activity doesn’t have to be strenuous. Light stretching, aquatic movement, and even just going for short walks can have a profound impact on overall well-being. This kind of regular, low-impact physical activity may reduce chronic pain while providing people with greater mobility, independence, and overall happiness. The following links are resources for low-impact exercise programs specific for individuals living with chronic pain. Don’t let pain prevent you from doing what you love–instead, take back control by getting UP and moving today! (be sure to consult a primary care provider before attempting any significant form of physical activity)

Source: Physical exercise as a non-pharmacological treatment of chronic pain

Managing Chronic Pain

Visit this webpage about managing chronic pain here